00:00:10 Introduction 00:03:42 What are Biofilms? 00:07:10 Biofilms protect microbes from immune surveillance 00:09:54 Hidden microbes absorb nutrients and produce toxins 00:11:40 Biofilm metabolites can have anti-depressant effect 00:13:49 Causes of proliferation 00:18:12 Break biofilms to heal 00:19:14 Microbiome is intergenerational 00:23:34 Loss of bifidobacteria, childhood vaccines 00:28:32 Microorganisms produce alcohol (auto-brewery) 00:32:47 Fermentation, Warburg metabolism 00:36:19 Cancer, Aging 00:42:14 Systemic effects, mineral deficiency, metal transporters 00:48:03 Me/CFS 00:51:13 Innate immune response 00:54:46 How to fix this? 01:00:12 Causes of hypoxia 01:02:39 Prolyl-hydroxylase inhibitors 01:09:35 Exercise and inflammatory response 01:11:30 What can we do ourselves? 01:15:50 Antiparasitics, de-worming 01:19:29 Joshua's personal journey